Friday, 28 October 2011

Christmas Star Wreath

An old post was resurrected over on crafter_oo yesterday that caught my interest. It linked to a lovely tutorial by annekata. It was a simple 3d paper star and below is my interpretation.

I have loads of vintage sheet music and decided to use that. The ring is made of polystyrene and covered in paper strips. I think i'm going to make another larger star burst as a feature in my living room for Christmas.


ClaireBumblingAlong said...

Amiee! This is FAB-U-LOUS !!!! xxx

Bigbluebed said...

It is truly lovely!

x vInTaGe VioLeT x said...

love it! plusyou were featured on craftzine with it today congratulations!

noodleBubble said...


mel m. m. mccarthy said...

This is beautiful. Great gift for those who are musically inclined.

SallieA said...

perfect for the musical fam I come from.