Thursday 7 July 2011

Hydrangea Mixed Media Tutorial

Using simple techniques make a unique mixed media piece of art for your home.

You will need:

Old or damaged book (I used Sense and Sensibility)
Embroidery Hoop (size optional but I used 6.5 inch diameter)
Suitable fabric (I used a linen style cotton)
Mediera Silk Thread 1003 
Watercolour Paint - Vermilion and Phthalocyanine Blue
Needle and Scissors
Backing material - cardboard or backing felt

1) Draw and cut petal shapes. Start with around 40 petal but you may need more or less for different sized hoops.

2) Paint one side of each petal individually. I would recommend two light coats of colour and fade the colour towards the tip of the petal.

3) Using one strand of embroidery thread stitch the petal detailing. They can all vary in design and they don't need to be perfectly stitched. Note that I have folded each petal slightly to create a better 3d effect.

4) Arrange four petals onto your fabric and stitch into place. 

5) Keep layering flowers until you have covered your fabric or are happy with how it looks - you can add more or less to suit your own taste.

6) Finish off the back with either backing felt or do as I have done and slot in a piece of cardboard. If you prefer you can cover the cardboard in decorative paper but I liked how this looked so left it plain.

7) Attach a piece of ribbon or string to the top of the hoop and hang proudly in your home.

If you have any questions I am always available contact me at a.warburton1983@ntlworld(dot)com

Please do recreate this for personal use or for gifts only and try experimenting with different shapes and colours. I would also love to see any works created from this tutorial.

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