Monday, 30 April 2012

My Little Vintage Fair -Earls Barton 5th May

I will be at the My Little Vintage fair in Earls Barton this Saturday. I'm so excited as I've heard great reviews and the organiser does exactly everything you could wish of her in terms of advertising and accommodating people. I shall let you know how it goes and please say hi if you are local and decide to pop along.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Embroidered Pocket Watch Pendant

As you may all be aware I love birds, I love embroidery and I also love capturing trinkets, designs and odd bits in old pocket watch cases. (This case isn't vintage I found it in Coleman's of all places!)

I started out with a felt base and soon discovered I couldn't sketch on the design on it so I stitched it freehand with no pattern. It actually wasn't too hard and I really enjoyed 'sketching' with my needle.

I've kept this little goldfinch for myself but im hoping to add a range to my shop soon.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Crafteroo Magazine -Projects, Interviews, Giveaways and More!

Well another three months have gone by and that means the latest edition of Crafteroo Magazine is online available for purchase. For a very reasonable £1.50 you get 18 fab and diverse tutorials plus features, recipes, reviews and interesting and informative articles.

Crafteroo is a forum based magazine where our members have equal input into its contents and contributing is open to any member regardless of how often you visit. Its such a friendly and helpful site that I hope some of you like it and stick around.

In other H&H news well... there is no news. Other than working on a special project (details to come soon) and the magazine I have done - nadda, zilcho, didly-squat. This is something I hope to rectify soon as, if I can scrape together the pitch money I have a fair in two weeks......... oh lordy!