Saturday, 31 December 2011

Looking to 2012 - Saying Goodbye to 2011

2011 has been an odd year to say the least. I have had some really crummy times but also some fab moments too.

The beginning of the year was very difficult for us I had personal problems that didn't resolve themselves until May and well I don't think I will ever be truly free of the sadness of those first few months. The summer brought a wedding - 10 years of waiting finally over. I am now Mrs B and i'm finally accepting that becoming a 'Mrs Somebody' doesn't mean you have to loose your identity and I love how it makes me feel like an unbreakable team that can fight anything. The year ended with the sad passing of my brave, tough-as-old-boots nan. She battled so hard to not give into the illness that ravaged her and I will always love and admire her for it. My kids continue to do well and thrive and they along with my my husband bring such happiness and craziness and love.

Craft wise i've been making all year but could only truly focus on H&H from September. I've been so blessed with features, the folksy front page, contributing to magazines and wonderful comments and feedback from other talented crafters. My sales have improved 10 fold from 2010 and i'm hoping to continue the momentum into 2012.

I have several personal and business goals for 2012. First I want to get fit and drop the fat, easier said than done but I don't feel I get taken seriously as a roly poly. I want to do up our house ready for a potential move down south. I want H&H to go from strength to strength and push for sales to shops. I also want to try new things and manage my time better.... not alot then! 

Finally I want to say thank you to everyone that visited, read and commented on my blog - the feeling you get from reading a kind word can not be put into words. Thank you to those that have purchased a H&H item over this year, your faith in my work makes all the effort, strained eyes and stolen evenings worthwhile!

I'll leave you with a few of my proudest makes from 2011. Happy New Year to you all I wish you a happy and prosperous 2012! x